Life Coach Certification

Are you passionate about something? Do you like helping people? Have people always come to you for advice? Coaching is a calling, and it makes a huge difference in people’s lives. The Professional Coach Academy is committed to helping natural-born coaches become professional coaches who make money making a difference.
Sherry Prindle, your instructor, is a professional difference maker. A Certified Master Coach Trainer accredited by the Certified Coaches Federation, Sherry conducts Life Coach Certification classes both live and through an innovative on-line format.
She has certified over 500 life coaches and specializes in training management teams and employee assistance teams.

At the request of some business consultants and Human Resources professionals, she has developed a business coach training program for executive coaches as well as a Social Media Coach Certification.

Her Certified Energy Coach program adds real value to the offerings of Feng Shuei, Reiki, Massage Therapy, and other wellness practices.

Certified Professional Coach™
Certified Business Coach™
Certified Social Media Coach™
Certified Customer Coach™
Certified Master Coach

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